How can we reduce cybersecurity risk effectively across the enterprise and in a measurable way? Benchmarking opportunities for CISOs

Welcome to CISO 360 Risk Vision, the global series of thought-leadership roundtables kindly sponsored by Qualys and hosted by Pulse Conferences in exclusive private fine-dining settings.

CISOs and cybersecurity practitioners, you are invited to take a seat at the table to partake in benchmarking and knowledge sharing with peers on risk reduction strategies, now and in the future. Co-steered by a prominent CISO and a senior Qualys Executive, and held under The Chatham House Rule, ensuring non-attribution, you’ll be part of a progressive and interactive conversation focused on how CISOs are staying ahead in the fast-paced digital landscape.

How are we as CISOs communicating risk ‘at speed’ to the Board? What metrics get the best reaction when shared? How is risk managed at the time of an incident? Who owns the risk? How are we balancing basic security hygiene with the need to embrace innovation in automation to improve ROI? What are our predictions on what risk reduction will look like in the next 5-10 years?

  • Benchmark and share learnings with CISO peers held under The Chatham House Rule of non-attribution
  • Actionable takeaways and future-facing risk perspectives to enhance cybersecurity posture
  • Learn from real-world journeys and experience shared, what works, what doesn’t
  • Forge connections to expand your professional network with CISO peers and specialists in your region

Join and be part of the CISO 360 Risk Vision global roundtable conversation! Seats are limited, we encourage you to secure your place around the table early.

We can’t wait to meet in a city near you!

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
7 February 2024

Roundtable followed by a private lunch and a sunset networking reception

Hong Kong City
Hong Kong
21 February

Evening – Hosted over a private dinner

22 February

Evening – Hosted over a private dinner

16 November 2023

Evening – Hosted over a private dinner

United Kingdom
23 November 2023

Evening – Hosted over a private dinner

5 December 2023

Evening – Hosted over a private dinner

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