
2018 Supporting Association 

Association of Corporate Investigators (ACi)

The idea for this association was the result of a group of corporate investigation team heads identifying a gap in the current universe of associations, catering for the needs of corporate professionals. In particular, accredited qualifications and training for corporate investigators are not universal. Equally, there is no networking or central resource platform for members of the corporate investigations community. Limited research carried out by investigation team heads amongst their own teams identified an appetite especially from graduates or junior members for an association, which promoted the professional standing of their role and an independent voice alongside
their colleagues in other professional areas such as finance, audit, and legal. The association fills that gap.

 Our vision is that corporate investigations is universally recognised as an accredited profession and that the ACi is a key enabler for continued personal development and operational investigative excellence.

The association is a non-profit association championing the role of corporate investigators. Striving for professional and ethical conduct we will provide members with a development pathway through accredited qualifications, training and access to a knowledge resource centre; provide a benchmarked corporate investigations framework  and practitioners code of conduct; and bring together our corporate investigations community by organising events to share leading practice. The association will also actively promote  diversity and inclusion across the corporate investigations profession. 

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