

“It seemed like everything was perfectly set to ensure a smooth event gathering 100+ valued guests. Loved the energy, the talks, the stands and also the choice of networking activities!”

CISO, Engie (France)

“CISO 360 Global Congress is **the** congress for CISOs and senior cybersecurity practitioners to attend. The scope of topics presented is excellent!”

CISO, DPO and Director of the Internal Control Office, Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobilia¡rios, Portugal

“The CISO 360 Congress provided a unique platform to explore the delicate balance between innovation and practical implementation in cybersecurity. As a startup founder, I found the discussions on DevSecOps challenges and the evolving role of CISOs particularly enlightening. One key takeaway was the constant tension between designing for scale and the risk of over-engineering. In the startup world, we must be agile, forward-thinking, and grounded in current market needs. The debates around Generative AI highlighted this balance perfectly. These events are crucial for widening our horizons and engaging in insightful discussions with peers. They remind us that while pushing the boundaries of technology, we must always keep sight of the practical challenges security leaders face in their day-to-day operations. This blend of innovation and practicality will drive our industry forward.”

CTO and Co-Founder, JIT (Israel)

“Great conference!  From the beginning, the level of participant engagement was very high.  The content was very informative and the presenters very knowledgeable.  Every aspect of Global CISO 360 was extraordinarily well done.  I left the event with a better understanding of cybersecurity and a broader network of industry contacts.”

Senior Director Security, Atlas Air (United States)

“Extremely insightful talks and a great way to connect with others in the industry that fostered genuine and open discussions”

Cyber and Geopolitical Risk lead, Sibylline (UK)

Superb line-up of speakers and topics! The sequence of the ’roundtable’ at beginning, prior to ‘sitting down’ at the conference, was a very good ‘icebreaker’, socially, and this allowed us to get to know one another well.  Content and organization made this an excellent event!”

CISO, Infopercept (UK)

“A great experience – I liked the fact that the Pulse team had the energy to support and make this such an experience – everyone was friendly and there to support when needed”

Senior Account Executive, Hack the Box (Greece)       

“As vendors, we’re often seen as just another salesperson despite our genuine desire to help improve the industry. Events like CISO 360 are invaluable for fostering connections. They open doors to future introductions, lunches, and even inclusion in specialised groups. These connections are the foundation of true industry collaboration. Interestingly, the most effective collaboration often happens off the record – in WhatsApp groups, over coffee, or during casual lunches. These spaces allow security professionals to share challenges without fear of oversharing or repercussions. To truly advance our industry, we need to encourage more of these human-to-human interactions.”

COO, Risk Ledger (UK)

“This is a very good event for meeting CISOs, security professionals, and the vendors to learn more about what is going on, their challenges, and how to deal with them. This event has a number of really amazing speakers. Some of them have been in this industry for a long, long, long time, they have a broad variety of experiences, they share these experiences and they are still today trying to learn the next thing. There are three big benefits to attending CISO 360. The networking is one. You need to be able to share what you know and learn from others. The content from the stage is a second one, obviously, and the third one is the social aspect. We have a boat trip and wine tasting. Work is fine, but you also need to be personal, you need to bring those connections in because you never know when you need to pick up that phone and say: “Hey, I have this issue, I don’t know who to discuss it with, but I trust you.”

CEO and Founder, Praxis Security

“It’s a really cool event, a lot of CISOs come to these events and it’s quite a small little community where they all do a lot of learning and a lot of conversations. As a start-up, CISO 360 is a great way to meet people and build relationships within the industry. As a start-up, we don’t have the marketing budgets of big companies, so for us relationships are really important, we need to build trust with the CISOs, they need to trust us before using our products, and that was a really great way to come to an event like this, meet CISOs, teach them a bit about what we’re doing and what we’re trying to achieve with our mission and then from there hopefully get a few using the product. Gather feedback on our products has been really good for two reasons, firstly we’ve got a lot of constructive feedback on what we’re doing, what we’re trying to achieve, and actually new ways which we can achieve that, and secondly we’ve got a lot of people who are willing to try the product and actually join the trial and get using it. It’s a very well organised event with really friendly people. It’s always a great venue as well – they rotate it around different cities and it’s always nice to come to a different part of the world and meet people in a setting that’s not London.”

CEO, Risk Ledger

“I keep coming back to CISO 360, because I learn so much. There is such a breadth of information, people from right across all sorts of industries, and organisational titles. The breadth of the agenda is just amazing, and it’s really fascinating, and so I keep coming back because I want more. I’ve learned so much in the last couple of days about all sorts of different topics, from the really scary from Dr. Sally Leivesley’s presentation to areas about recruiting people, and what makes up a good team, and data governance. There is such a plethora of information, it’s impossible to do without CISO 360, so I come back for more – and I’ll be back next year. I think the atmosphere in this group is really open, it’s very friendly, they’re very welcoming. We like people, we talk to people, and nobody was left alone at the networking events. It’s a very inclusive group, and we welcome new people coming along because we want new experiences, we want to talk to new people. The really good thing about this group is that you can come along and have a really easy conversation about information security, cybersecurity, anything to do with security because this is a really knowledgeable audience, and it makes it easy and it’s very relaxed, you don’t have to fight anybody, everybody understands. It’s simply great.”

Head of Information Security, Quilter

“It was a wonderful event. So good to start to be able to talk to people face to face and to be able to think outside of the “day-to-day responsibilities” box again.”

Information Security Manager – Awareness and Behavioural Change, Metro Bank plc, United Kingdom

“What a week! Such a lovely venue, lovely city, and a fantastic collective of like-minded professionals. This was my first Annual CISO Congress, but not my first Pulse event, and Pulse did not fail to deliver their exceptional services once again. Sara and the team did a wonderful job, and pulled everything off brilliantly.”

Threat and Vulnerability Consultant, Computacenter, United Kingdom

“The company and the thought-provoking sessions over the course of the conference have been fantastic. It has made me think about cyber risks and resilience in a different way. The Pulse Conferences team puts this together from the heart.”

CISO, HARIBO (Germany)

“Where else can you find a higher quality of security leaders all in one place?”

Director, Bestman Solutions

“Probably the one must-attend conference of the year. Excellent speakers, fast-moving pace, differing methods of delivery, just simply the best value usage of my time.”

Information Security Compliance and Assurance Director, Flight Centre UK

“Amazing opportunity to share experiences and to learn in a very nice environment, CISO 360 is a great experience. You meet interesting people and you can learn a lot about cyber (risk, security, threats) and share experience and knowledge with top professionals. For me it has been a great experience and pleasure to attend the CISO 360.”

Europe Industries- Security Officer, Air Liquide GMS (France)

“Absolutely excellent! The quality of the presentations, and the ideas shared, were first class. Looking forward to implementing what we learned.”

Director, Resilient. World

“I found CISO360 2019 extremely valuable for several reasons, primarily networking with industry peers comparing our challenges and successes stories, hearing thought provoking and inspiring content during the conference itself and also hearing updates from vendors and solution providers on their latest capability additions and developments. A very worthwhile investment of my time and I hope the conference continues to grow.”

Technology Services Head of Cyber Security, DWP (UK)

“CISO 360 is the perfect balance between working, socialising, and networking. So the appealing thing about coming here is you get to meet a load of people that you wouldn’t normally get in front of, so there’s some smaller vendors who if you Google certain area they’re probably not going to come up in the first page and you get to meet them and they get to tell you about their interesting new take on the technology, and you get to do it in a really nice setting, it’s a lovely hotel, the events that Pulse put on outside of the hotel are really good, where you get to socialise with people and after a couple of drinks they kind of tell you a bit more truthfully what their products can do which is really, really useful. And then you get to do the follow-on, the boring stuff where they take you through a slide deck in London afterwards, so you get to meet them properly first, and then learn about the bumph that they’ve got from their sales team afterwards so that’s really cool.”

Security Operations Manager, Right Move

“As a newcomer to the cybersecurity event scene, CISO 360 was an eye-opener. I expected a highly technical environment but instead found a deeply human-centric experience. It revealed the true challenges and struggles that CISOs face daily. This insight is invaluable for someone in my role, as it helps bridge the gap between our products and the real-world needs of security leaders. The event’s structure, starting with a candid roundtable discussion, set the tone for the entire conference. It allowed us to view subsequent presentations and discussions through the lens of solving real problems.”

Regional Executive, KnowBe4 (The Netherlands)

“One of the biggest challenges in our industry is gaining access to open conversations with CISOs without prior introductions. Cold calling and traditional outreach methods often fall short. However, events like CISO 360 create an environment where everyone is approachable, solving this challenge elegantly. The casual atmosphere fosters open dialogue, allowing us to understand CISOs’ current challenges and how we can help. It’s not just about selling; it’s about building meaningful connections. These events provide a unique opportunity to engage in positive conversations and establish good relationships that lead to fruitful collaborations.”

GemServ, a Talan Group company (UK)

“We’ve been with Pulse and the CISO 360 since it started, and it’s been an amazing journey and we’ve created this community and this family, we see new faces, the same faces. And one of the issues we have in our industry is the lack of communication, the lack of talking, so these events are bringing people, bringing our peers out to have those talks, it’s great for vendors, it’s great for the community. If another vendor is thinking about joining this community do it. There is a fantastic community. We get to talk between the vendors as well, meet new people, see old friends, and how they are progressing through the industry as well – they may have moved, gone to new roles, new jobs, new organisations, and it’s great to see them transitioning. So we learn an awful lot as well as the customers do from learning from what we have as a vendor. We talk about diversity an awful lot in this industry and I think Pulse has managed to grab that with its agenda and its itinerary, there is something for everybody throughout the two days, through the day and through the evening as well and I think that’s one of the reasons why it captures such a wide range of audience, it’s because we are talking about so many different topics that are burning, these are topics that customers and vendors are having internally, so Pulse is giving you the opportunity to bring them out and allow people to talk about them.”

CTO UK, Qualys

“Thank you for the excellent event and seamless organisation! It was my first time at the CISO 360 and the event was highly inspiring with great networking opportunities.”

Senior Consultant, DHC AG (Switzerland)

“What I like about this CISO 360 conference is the peer interaction, the themes that we discuss here that are very relevant, the chance to speak openly in a way that you know that people will understand your problems and give you ideas. You can give something back and contribute to what could be the global outcome of the conference. It’s a sum of all the contributions, both people that do the presentations, the questions, the comments that we make. These things are all relevant, the speakers are well chosen, they are respected professionals on their fields, and the organisation is top, and the venue is always very beautiful place, everything is well organised so it’s highly recommended. Every time I attend CISO 360, I meet new people, there are faces that I see from year to year, some well-known. You see people from Asia, from America, from Europe, it’s mainly a European event but you see people coming from other continents, and it’s a very friendly modern atmosphere where people are at ease, everyone respects each other and we know that we can trust these people, we can share our problems, the questions we have, and there’s someone that went through the same thing and can give us an idea of what to do. I’m leaving with lots of new ideas for things that I want to implement and experiment, so that’s why I came, and that’s why people should come to these conferences, it’s great.”

Director of the Internal Control Office, Comiss
ão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários

“The people are amazing. CISO 360 gathers the best of the best – the organisations that came here, the speakers are fantastic, the vendors that we can speak to about the products are great. It’s really hard to say no to Sara, Clive and the team. I absolutely love them. The talks have been fantastic and piqued my interest. The most interesting contact has been about management, case studies, third-party risk, and AI. The camaraderie that is achieved through the social networking events is fantastic. We went out on the catamaran and, to be honest, I thought I was going to be sick, mainly because of the boat, but it was still so good. Afterwards the meal sponsored by Qualys was fantastic. These are the smallest things that Pulse do for individuals such as myself that they don’t need to do, but they go out of their way just to make us feel comfortable, especially in a new city as well I’ve never been to before, so massive thanks for that.”

VP Information Security EMEA, Northern Trust

“It’s probably one of the best conferences for cybersecurity professionals. We really get to exchange information with other professors and peers in this industry, we build trust among us in this inclusive environment. We can exchange not only challenges, but celebrate the successes as well. And I would come back any time. We build not only trust and become friends, but also become part of the family. For CISOs it’s one of the most important things. Everybody expects CISOs to be very technical, and we are, but I believe that being very good on the soft skills is vital as well, and building that network is one of the most important things because CISOs cannot work alone. It’s almost impossible that you will know every single answer, so the networking is probably the most important thing in our field to pick up the phone, to say: “Hey, are you having the same challenge, how are you doing things around these problems or issues?” It really does help, and it’s proven itself over and over again. I use the CISO 360 network and call people. Besides information sharing, besides the fact that we all have become friends and family here, I would say we also have great evening events, which is how we build a stronger connection. CISO 360 is the place to be. I recommend it to all of our professionals in cybersecurity.”

CISO European Investment Bank

“It’s been fantastic to see innovation and start-ups feature at CISO 360 for the first time. It’s good to see that the CISOs are genuinely interested and coming to talk to us. One of the big pluses of this event is that it’s not all jam packed into one day, and there isn’t that intense hard sell aspect that you typically see, which obviously puts people off. It’s been really good to take things more gently to get to know CISOs and vice versa.”

CTO, Quod Orbis

“I’ve really enjoyed the conference, I’ve enjoyed meeting people, learning more about what’s top of mind for CISOs and in the cybersecurity space. The sessions have all been great. There is a great CISO 360 community, it’s very tightly knit – we talk to each other a lot, share a lot of experiences, and that’s fantastic.”

Chief Scientist and SVP of AI, Dataminr

“One of the few must-not-miss events for every CISO. Wonderful opportunity to learn new things, and have in-depth discussions on what really matters, with real practitioners and industry legends (still alive).”

CISO & DPO, 360 Treasury Systems AG, Germany

“Once you attend CISO 360, you become a part of the family. The socialising offered is the most important aspect. This community building through shared experiences makes it different from other conferences!”

CISO, Head of Information Security and Assurance Services ILO – United Nations, Switzerland

“It is hard to describe what an amazing experience it was to attend, in person, a conference after such a long time. From impeccable and reassuring preconference comms to a beautiful indoor and outdoor setting, excellent speakers and audience engagement, surprisingly unobtrusive vendors where productive conversations were held, without all the sales hype. It will certainly be a conference I will not forget and setting a standard with which, I will hold other conferences to.”

Global Deputy CISO, Cushman & Wakefield

“Great venue, great speakers, well-chosen themes. Overall, one of the best cybersecurity conferences I ever attended.” –

CISO, DPO and Director of Internal Controls, Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários, Portugal

“Pulse always delivers the very best events so the fact that this event was impeccably organised wasn’t a surprise. But the fact they delivered such an excellent event at this time with the various rule changes and restrictions placed on them was truly surprising. The team showed great strength of character and the ability to innovate. It was a super event and fun too.” 

CEO, Cordery

“Insights & experience shared by Industry leaders will definitely help me & my organization in course correcting the strategy”

Senior Cybersecurity, Lafarge Holcim

Excellent value for me and my organisation. Being able to engage senior level execs in the cybersecurity space on a 1-1 basis is invaluable. The evening activities were entertaining and really helped build trust and relationships.”

CMO, SailPoint

“A meticulous and engaging event highlighting the key security concerns business leaders face today!”

Director, Bestman Solutions

“A very thoughtful event, great networking and industrial expertise in the room to learn from!”

Director, Security, Laureate International Universities Malaysia

“Pulse Conferences delivered a really enjoyable, informative and immersive experience with the 4th CISO 360 Congress-Hybrid. The virtual platforms were excellent, providing an effective substitute for an in-person experience. The speakers and panel sessions were engaging and knowledgeable and the avatars round-table was both informative and fun.”Peter Wood, Naturally Cyber LLP

“This was great, we have a lot of good take away’s and loved the lessons learned!” Sybil Kleinmichel, 360 Treasury Systems AG

“It was great to watch live interviews rather than recorded presentations. The roundtable session on Friday was particularly interesting” Jennie Rogers, Vectra

“Overall Excellent Conference under challenging circumstances” Barbara Aung, Telefonica

“If you want to hear real CISO experiences, you must attend this event!” CISO, ST Engineering, Singapore

The team always do a great job of providing excellent content, great networking, valuable introductions and useful sponsors. The must attend event for a senior information security leader.” CISO, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC

This was our first but definitely not our last CISO360! A well planned and executed event with a clear goal of providing tangible value for the participants in combination with a great community feel sure makes it a stand-out event to return to.” NetClean

“The best cybersecurity event that I have ever attended. I look forward to seeing you next year!” Senior Manager, Cybersecurity, EY Singapore

“CISO 360: guaranteed insight and inspiration. A triumph thanks to the Pulse team!” Chief Privacy Officer, Nokia Group

Pulse delivers some of the most informative and worthwhile events. Their topics, speakers and ability to engage at the highest level to secure attendance means that you are constantly engaged and come away learning something new and meeting new contacts.” SailPoint

“By far the best event all year that I have attended. I always makes an effort to attend CISO 360 as it is not just an event, it is a trusted community that comes together from around the world!” Group CISO and Group DPO, MS Amlin

“Team Pulse put together a fantastically well organised and thoroughly enjoyable event this year in Rome. The CISO 360 Pulse Conference was most informative, engaging and gave us a great opportunity for learning, networking and relationship building. Looking forward to the next one.” Synack

Thank you Pulse for the smooth organisation of this huge logistical challenge. My team told me it worked brilliantly and that the networking was one of the most valuable parts of being a sponsor.” Company85

“Excellent event Pulse Conferences, we very much enjoyed the opportunity to meet new contacts in both a professional and social capacity. We also had a large number of new members to ClubCISO, an added bonus…. ” Company85

“A unique opportunity to share challenges thoughts and ideas with trusted friends, and gain valuable insights.”, President, (ISC)2 Scotland Chapter

“CISO 360 is a must attend conference to keep up to the latest trends, best practices as well as main security concerns within the cybersecurity landscape” GRC Specialist, Euronext

“I would like to extend my appreciation having been given the chance to witness the success of your recent event. I look forward to a further outstanding line-up of events from your organisation!” Head of IT, intec, GOPA International Energy Consultants (Abu Dhabi)

“Excellent event, opportunity to meet likeminded professionals, sharing risk, worries, tools, best practises with
CISO from other industries sharing same issues, great eye opener, looking forward to the next event”
CISO, MS Amlin

“Nowhere else will you find such relevant content for CISO’s, shared by leaders in their fields”, Director Security Engineering, Inmarsat

“A very engaging, varied and interactive event. The best conference I have ever attended!”

Information Security Manager, Lloyd’s of London

“The conference was full of expert speakers. You wouldn’t want to miss any of them. Particularly on the Boardroom/ Roundtable discussion (last day), it is like a strategic planning and facing the board of directors, but with less pressure. Excellent!”
Section Head – Planning & IT Security, Western Region Municipality – UAE Government

“The best speaker line-up of any security conference in Europe!”
Head of UK Security, AXA

“Pulse have raised the bar when it comes to planning and running conference events. Other organisers should take note.”,

CISO, Channel 4

“An excellent event in beautiful Rome! I had an amazing time socially and professionally… made so many great connections!. ” Sailpoint

CISO 360 Congress 2019 created a strong platform for peer review, cross pollination of idea and networking.” CISO, Gebauer & Griller

“CISO 360 is a great experience. You meet interesting people and you can learn a lot about Cyber (risk, security, threats) and share experience and knowledge with top professionals. For me it has been a great experience and pleasure to attend the CISO 360.” – CSO, Logista Portugal

“I found CISO 360 Congress a great place to share ideas about current and future problems”
Head of Section, GMV

“Pulse Conferences stand out for being up to the minute with developments and concerns. Fist rate speakers
and an agenda that is total appropriate and informative. Excellent buzz and networking.”
Lady Olga Maitland, CEO Copenhagen Compliance; Founder, Defence and Security Forum

““Interesting exchange of insights and experiences from different companies, sectors, and levels of maturity. An honour to have been there.”
Head of Information Security, Risk Management and Quality, Almirall

“Pulse organised a fantastic CISO 360 Congress in Barcelona, which brought together some of the world’s most successful CISOs to discuss pressing cyber security issues and share experiences. The agenda was diverse, with senior professionals from across the globe sharing their experiences, and great networking sessions were facilitated by the organisers with good food and flowing conversation. I would highly recommend CISO 360 and look forward to this conference going from strength to strength”
Freaky Clown, Co-Founder, Head of Ethical Hacking, Redacted Firm Ltd

“Thank you, Pulse Conferences, for a great event. CISO 360 combined interesting varied talks with fantastic networking opportunities, facilitating very interesting thought-provoking conversations” Dr Jessica Baker, Co-Founder, Socio-Technical Lead, Redacted Firm Ltd

“Excellent conference, brilliantly put together.”
Director, Bridewell Consulting

“Great speakers, great venue, intelligent discourse, Pulse CISO 360 Congress has it all!” Director of Information Security EMEA, Canon Europe

“The CISO 360 conference brought together a collection world leading experienced security leaders who shared their knowledge and experience with their peers in an open and collaborative manner under The Chatham House Rule. This was complimented with case studies from selected top tier partners and organisations to provoke further debate and discussion during the talks or later during one to one networking conversations. The presentations; case studies; and strategy sessions were practical and relevant because they were born out real world security challenges faced by Global CISOs across multiple sectors. I found the open knowledge sharing; networking; and presentations were very valuable to either validate existing approaches or provoke fresh ideas by getting a different perspective.”
Global Head of Information Security Architecture & Transformation, Royal Bank of Scotland

“Refreshing views of security topics for knowledge improvement!”
CISO, Credibom

“Top class speeches and presentations at the CISO 360 Congress in Barcelona! Thanks for such a worthful and enjoyable time”
CMO, Blueliv

“You brought the world’s cyber concern to the UAE for awareness and also brought world experts to provide advice based on their own experience!” Head of Planning and IT Security, Al Dhafra Region Municipality (UAE)

“I’m very pleased to be part of this extraordinary event – very important to exchange ideas and hear experiences and ideas from peers across sectors!” Corporate Security Manager, Logista

“Marvellous event, well-run, packed with useful content you can use”, Technology Services Head of Security, DWP

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