Virtual Event

Sponsors CISO 360 Nordics 

Platinum Sponsor 

BeyondTrust is the worldwide leader in Privileged Access Management (PAM), empowering organizations to secure and manage their entire universe of privileges.  Our integrated products and platform offer the industry’s most advanced PAM solution, enabling organizations to quickly shrink their attack surface across traditional, cloud and hybrid environments.

The BeyondTrust Universal Privilege Management approach secures and protects privileges across passwords, endpoints, and access, giving organizations the visibility and control they need to reduce risk, achieve compliance, and boost operational performance.  Our products enable the right level of privileges for just the time needed, creating a frictionless experience for users that enhances productivity.

With a heritage of innovation and a staunch commitment to customers, BeyondTrust solutions are easy to deploy, manage, and scale as businesses evolve. We are trusted by 20,000 customers, including 70 percent of the Fortune 500, and a global partner network.

Gold Sponsors 

SailPoint, the leader in identity management, delivers an innovative approach to securing access across the enterprise with the SailPoint Predictive IdentityTM platform. With SailPoint, enterprises can ensure that everyone and everything has the exact access they need, exactly when they need it, intuitively and automatically. Powered by patented Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning( ML) technologies, the SailPoint Predictive IdentityTM platform is designed to securely accelerate the business while delivering adaptive security, continuous compliance and improved business efficiency. As an identity pioneer and market leader serving some of the world’s most prominent global companies, SailPoint consistently pushes the industry to rethink identity to the benefit of their customers’ dynamic business needs.


Snyk is a developer-first security company that helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Snyk is the only solution that seamlessly and proactively finds and fixes vulnerabilities and license violations in open source dependencies and container images. Snyk’s solution is built on a comprehensive, proprietary vulnerability database, maintained by an expert security research team in Israel and London. With tight integration into existing developer workflows, source control (including GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab), and CI/CD pipelines, Snyk enables efficient security workflows and reduces mean-time-to-fix. For more information or to get started with Snyk for free today, visit

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